Wednesday, March 4, 2009

yep.. work

What is with managers only reacting to some report, or a particular metric on a report? They have no insight, and seemingly no abilities. They see a low metric and do there best to micromanage againest that specific number, or result, etc. I always figured that business was about profit. Supply vs. demand, buy low, sale high. simple...

I constantly observe a "push" towards, not making money, getting a big commision, but a metric. This managers percentage in ' x ' is too low, so we all are told to focus on ' x ' then some other manager says "hey, we lost focus on ' y ' then we all shift gears to sell more of that.

Well Mr. Bossman... you PAY me more to sell this, and although i will never pass up the oppertunity to sell something to sombody, i really only want to sell what you pay the most on... I like you and all, but your involvement in paying my morgage starts and ends on what commision you pay me for what. Does this not make any since?

Oh, and on another note, please stop asking me why I do so well at sales, and "what is my secret" or "what am i doing differently" I AM DOING MY JOB. There is not a secret that exsist. I am just good at what I do, add to that the aprox. 8 years i have been doing this, makes me experienced, ..... do i say Great, you should. I have achieved 4 of the 6 possible award/accolades you have. I just need the 2 biggest ones now. One is the country-wide ranking, the other being the entire western region footprint. We both know I can "kill it"

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